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Nostalgia reminds us of a past that was and could have been (Boym 2001).


In a place of lost possibilities, of those we've lost touch, and memories of losses...


What do we also lose or throw away in the present in order to be nostalgic?



What if we could use

these tools of forgetting the losses of a past

to help us remember how to prevent more of them in the future?

Digital tools can evoke a certain feeling of loss; a past that is gone.

But given a message of hope, of possibility, this loss may 

inspire us to work towards a future without

repeating the same losses of the past. 


This symposium centres around the use of

a kind described by Svetlana Boym (2001) as being able to reveal the “fantasies of an age” – our desires to get away from losses, regrets, and pain – but it is in these emotional tools capable of change and hope where

"the future is born".


Symposium Team 2022-23

We are a passionate group of interdisciplinary students at Concordia University, Montreal. We formed as a collective from the Technoculture, Arts and Games (TAG) Research Centre. As students, we are based in different disciplines, yet these cultivated skills and tools allows for us to apply them both widely and deeply in our collective project. Ultimately, as citizens of the digital age, we want to understand, explore, and responsibly further the potentials of technology, culture, and memory.

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